Thursday, August 7, 2008

The day wen i was tested

Well in my office today i was given a job to make database of RTO but i was able to complete it only 30% god alll the database was showing only the common number alloted in mumbai not the special i was told to do it on 8-8-08 .well one more thing one of news channel was showin that 8-8-08 is the bad day i guess these news channel should take care of their buisness as bad day come for them also .i say fuck of to these hell of a news channel .me and my frnds hav decided to see sing is king movie well u can see its good day for the producer to make money so neways i wiil hav to wait till tomorrow for my fortune hope my bosss pat me atleast for comin and goin in time forget the work as i m a begineer hahah. today i felt like callin my frnd anda visit lonavala well i will do that but on the other side my final result is comin so i cant demand 4 money u know. kkepin my fingers crossed for the result as the day come to end i saw shin chan cartoon and had a blast i laughed like anythin welll they say what starts well ends well. i willl surely post the review of the movie tomorrow for now farewell

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